How to Subscribe

Open the Account menu, then press the “Subscribe” menu

Choose a subscription plan. We provide auto-renewal at a lower cost on a monthly or annual basis. Press “Continue to subscribe”.

A disclaimer pop-up will appear. You are required to read the disclaimer, terms of service, and privacy policy. Then press the checkbox to agree and press “Accept” to continue

We use subscription services through third parties for Android and iOS. So the next step depends on your smartphone’s operating system.


In Android, a pop-up will appear for payment methods handled by Google Play. Select the payment method you want. Next, click the “Subscribe” button

If successful, Google will display success information.

Then you will be redirected to the subscribe page. It will state that you are already a premium member.

Want to unsubscribe? Please read this guide


In iOS, a payment confirmation pop-up will appear. Next, click the “Subscribe” button

Please wait a moment until the payment is done and succesfull

Then you will be redirected to the subscribe page. It will state that you are already a premium member.

Want to unsubscribe? Please read this guide

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